Living A Full Life

By: Leon Shivamber


Relish everything that’s inside of you, the imperfections, the darkness, the richness and light and everything. And that makes for a full life.

Anthony Hopkins
In the crowd - missing a full life
In the crowd – missing a full life

Am I living a full life? Are you living a full life?

Sometimes in the thick of everyday stuff its easy to lose sight of what it means to live a full life. And, why its so important that we do so every day.

Recently I ran across this wonderful video “And Then It Hits You” which was a graduation film directed by Hugo de Kok. It’s a film about the fast lives we’re living in this modern age and what we like to do with them. Not looking around and thinking about tomorrow…. if there is a tomorrow anyway.

I loved it. I think it makes the point of living a full life beautifully and I was compelled to share it with you.

Here is a transcript of the message from the video:

This is life
Something we all have
If you are able to hear me
You can be sure you have one too
It took you only 9 months
To prepare yourself for this adventure
Now here you are
On this amazing place called earth
We the human beings
Have become so skilled at living
We know a lot
We can learn about everything
Within seconds
Enabling us to live faster
Every day
Doing more and more
Today we are connected
To a billion people across the globe
We use it to share
That picture perfect frappucino
Like it is some sort of competition
the world became so small
Yet we can’t seem to see
What’s right in  front of us
I know the small things
Don’t seem that exciting
We have a million options
To choose from
So why walk
The same tedious road everyday
Look out of the window
While on a plane
Enjoy being alone
For a while
Drift away to places
You love to be
Tomorrow is just a thought
But don’t let your dreams be dreams
Seek out adventure
Walk into the unknown
Because who knows
When life is done

and then it hits you – video
Tomorrow is just a thought. But don't let your dreams be dreams. Seek out adventure, walk into the unknown. Because who knows when life is done Please Click To Tweet

All I can say is live a full life. What do you think?

Across a Crowd living a full life
Across a Crowd living a full life

photos by: Pensiero & Thomas Hawk

10 thoughts on “Living A Full Life”

  1. I just love this, Leon! Thank you. One that I’ve been working on all summer is “So why walk The same tedious road everyday”

    And you know, it’s a challenge not to!
    I love inspiration such as this. Thank you!

    • Susan, thank you for stopping by and participating. Looking forward to reading your piece when it’s finished. Best wishes

  2. Hey Leon,
    This one is surely an inspiring article which leads to live the fullest of our life.
    I come to your post today and it made my day buddy.
    Its a really nice one..

  3. We meet so many people daily, who have missed out on life and dear ones while keeping up with the race. This blog post just gives you the impetus to handle such people and give them that innocent smile back. Printing this out to display on my scrapboard. Thank you for this very unique post. Please do keep more such ones coming. Cheers!

  4. We should always try our best to leave with gratitude so we can take advantage of all the great things that happen around us. Life is a blessing !

  5. Great Article, I am a firm believer that you need to live every minute as if it’s your last minute. Because the truth is you never know when your time is up..

    Thanks for the reminder.

  6. Hey Leon, its an awesome read for me today and I truly agree to all the facts you added up there. Plus the image was truly amazing and motivating.. :D

  7. Your article is so inspiring! You are so right. We have to live life day by day. We have to feel each adventure, each step we make, to enjoy the little tinghs.

  8. Hi

    Absolutely awesome post. Loved the line “Tomorrow is just a thought”. There is so much about this line. Great stuff !!


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