Gobbledegook Or Just Plain Nonsense?

By: Leon Shivamber


Can you differentiate smart from nonsense
Can you differentiate smart from nonsense?

Friday, January 07, 2011
Say What?

From an actual Wall Street Analyst “research” report this morning—and, before you ask, no, this is not from “The Onion”:

We are upgrading 3M to Neutral as capitulation on the growth story and 2011 estimates should limit relative downside and make 3M once again somewhat of a defensive stock. While the negative dynamic of positive sentiment has turned modestly more favorable, stubbornly bullish consensus estimates for ’12, along with risks at Healthcare, keep us from moving to Overweight.

Anyone care to venture what this nonsense means?

Jeff Matthews
I Am Not Making This Up

From Jeff Matthews Is Not Making This Up: Say What?

Maybe as I get older, I am less tolerant of long convoluted explanations. Or maybe I am beginning to really understand the plain beauty of a KISS (“Keep It Simple Stupid”) strategy. But after reading this one, I have to admit that I could not understand what the writer intended. It’s just plain nonsense.

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