Three Fundamental Beliefs

By: Leon Shivamber


Companies strategy must change, and the companies themselves must change. And, they must change faster than the customers are changing in order to stay relevant.

Leon Shivamber
The King's Strategy Game
The King’s Strategy Game

& Guiding Principles For Strategy

I am frequently asked about the most important factors that shape my views on strategy. And to that question, my answer is always simple. I am driven by three fundamental beliefs:

1. Customers always choose the best available

Strategy - Customers Choose The Best
Strategy Principle – Customers Choose The Best

From a strategy viewpoint, “the best” is defined by each customer. It could be price, availability, specifications, customer service, or some other variable. Whatever the utility curve the customer is using to determine their preference, they will choose the best they can afford, from what’s available, wherever they can find it. Your strategy must be to deliver the best.

Whatever the utility curve the customer is using to determine their preference, they will choose the best they can afford, from what's available, wherever they can find it. Please Click To Tweet

2. The best is always changing

The Best Changes Over Time
Strategy Principle – The Best Changes Over Time

The best changes over time because customer preferences change, what competitors offer changes, or because what companies provide to their customer changes. And, if your strategy is to deliver the best, then you must be prepared to deliver to these changing customer preferences.

3. Only companies capable of change are sustainable

Strategy Principle - Companies Must Change
Strategy Principle – Companies Must Change

The inevitable conclusion is that companies strategy must change, and the companies themselves must change. And, they must change faster than the customers are changing in order to stay relevant. Does your strategy do that?

Companies strategy must change, and the companies themselves must change. And, they must change faster than the customers are changing in order to stay relevant. Please Click To Tweet

For me, the only constant is change!

2 thoughts on “Three Fundamental Beliefs”

  1. Hey, nice article. I like what you said “Companies must changes”. Totally agree.
    I like reading and blogging about various Business and Marketing strategies.


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