Enlightened Service – Keeping A Customer For Life!

By: Leon Shivamber


To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity.

Douglas Adams
Enlightened service leads to more profits
Enlightened service leads to more profits

I have written previously that customer service as a discipline appears to be under siege. Airlines charging for a checked bag, and considering charges for carry-ons or using the toilet on board, are all signs of this trend. The race is on to penny-pinch the most valuable asset of any business, it’s customers.

Like me, you have probably taken your car to a repair shop or dealer to have something small fixed, only to be told of the myriad of other things wrong. And many of the repairs sound dire, as if you should not dare get back in your car, for the mortal danger you will face. After one repair shop suggested replacing my windshield wipers, one week after they had been replaced and were in perfect condition, it became evident that some of these recommendations were commercially motivated, and not intended to save my life, or what I really needed.

Have a few of these experiences, and you begin to question every piece of advice or service interaction. Are they really thinking about what is best for you?

Grabbing money. One vision of customer service
Grabbing money. One vision of customer service

A recent experience though, has restored my faith in enlightened management and service approach to customers. Some companies really do get it, and they are carving out massive equity with their customers.

I took a trip to Dubai recently. When we landed and I took my Tumi bag out of the overhead, the handle fell off. On my return home, I took some photographs and sent a note one evening, around 9pm, to the folks at Tumi. By 11am the next day I had a reply from the Director of Marketing. Mikal had looked up where I lived, where their stores and service center were in relation, and laid out three options for me to have my bag sent to be repaired. It would be my choice of what was most convenient for me! My bag was shipped to the Tumi service center, and I had several very pleasant conversations with Sharon, who runs After Sales Service. Sharon and I talked about my travel habits and use of the bags and she helped me upgrade to a newer bag, with a design more suited to handle the rigors of my travel schedule. Even though in short supply, Sharon was able to secure and ship the bag to me that day. I got the new bag in time for my next international trip.

I believe that when customers need service, a “moment of truth” is created in the relationship between that consumer and the company. Many of these interactions result in an average experience, or worse, in a permanent loss of a customer. A relatively small number of these service interactions result in winning a customer for life!

It is a company with enlightened management and service practices that knows how to turn a sour lime into a sweet key-lime pie. Please Click To Tweet

It is a company with enlightened management and service practices that knows how to turn a “sour lime’ into a “sweet key-lime pie”. For these companies, service is not about extracting an immediate extra buck from the customer, but about ensuring an annuity well into the future, secured by brand loyalty and positive word of mouth marketing.

Mikal, Sharon, and the rest of the folks at Tumi were really thinking about me. They understand that a winning business does not just consist of great products, but also requires fantastic customer service interaction. The combination is lethal.

A winning business does not just consist of great products, but also requires fantastic customer service interaction. Please Click To Tweet

The weekend after my bag was replaced by Tumi, our family was out shopping. My daughter needed a new travel bag. She loves her newly acquired Tumi. A new customer for life maybe?

22 thoughts on “Enlightened Service – Keeping A Customer For Life!”

  1. As I run a ecommerce website for backpacks online in India I know customer service is one of the top priority for any company to keep the reputation. The main things we need to remember while handling customers are:

    1)Fast Response to the query
    2)Fix the issue as soon as possible
    3)Apology or compensation if the problem is our end
    4)conformation if the issue is solved

  2. I couldn’t have said it better myself. You’re absolutely right that customer service is under siege right now. I’d break it down to common decency. If people would just treat one another like human beings and be kind it goes a long way. Honestly, anyone in business should care more about making a positive difference in the world than just inflating to bottom line. Tumi gets it.

  3. Customer service and Full feeling their requirement leads your business much higher than you think.
    Nice post and story mentioned here about this service.
    Great One.

  4. True! Customer service has changed everything in the market. With all the competitiveness out here, this has become very vital to anyone who means to stay in business. it sells

  5. It seems like the current service industry could care less about helping their customers. It is sad that you have to travel to a different country to receive proper customer service. Thanks for sharing.

  6. There may already have lots of new ways for a business to succeed, but I believe, having an excellent relationship with the customers is still on the top of the list. I mean, there’s nothing more rewarding than having to be marketed by your loyal customers. It’s not just a marketing strategy though, but it’s a noble way to market your business. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Hi leon, you have given title very rightly to your post. Your personal experiences examples , even i come through it lot of times, As i am also offering customer care services to worldwide at our organization. I know what customer satisfaction mean to us. Keep writing.

  8. Good post. An amazing management and service approach is the key to success and progression of a business. Thank you for sharing this useful story.

  9. Thanks for this Very useful info You Have Provided us. I appreciate your article, big thank you for your sharing, and I too share your opinion completely … its really excellent post.

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  11. A very well written story. Really impressed with your blog. Following going forward.

    I write on business too at LateShipment too, do check out my posts on similar topics and would appreciate your expert feedback.

    Happy Blogging!

  12. Providing outstanding customer service is a goal which organizations strive to reach. Communication with clients should be clear and well prepared so that problems and misunderstanding do not occur. Listening is a skill that needs to be practised.

  13. Thanks so much for this great post. It’s so sad that you have to travel to a different country to receive good customer service. It seems like the current people working in the service industry (except for the people that work for tips), could care less about helping their customers and more about there own personal lives.

    I have actually do most of my shopping online now because of the terrible customer service that stores seem to have these days. Another perk to shopping online is being able to get cash back for your purchases.

  14. I am also in the service industry and keeping the customer relation is a great experience altogether. but we should not avoid customer call with regard to any complaints.

  15. Good story. An enlightened management and service approach will make all the difference the success and progression of a business.


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