Angels exist!

By: Leon Shivamber


We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.

Luciano De Crescenzo
Girl searching for an angel
Girl searching for an angel

Angels exist and You can become one too!

Angels exist, yes they do. I know right now you assume that I’m crazy, but I can prove that Angels exist. Keep reading.

A few days ago, I was skimming thorough the usual news feeds and came upon this incredible story that did not get the coverage it deserves. It’s a story of angels: a wonderful young Korean girl and her parents.

Kim Yoo Nah an angel
Kim Yoo Nah – an angel

It happened on January 21st of this year, 2016. Kim Yoo Nah, a 19-year-old from Jeju island in Korea was in Arizona, USA studying. On that day, Kim Yoo Nah tragically suffered in a car accident that left her brain dead. And, her parents, then in Korea, had the tough decision of what to do with Yoo Nah hooked up to machines keeping her alive.

Yoo Nah is Catholic and had written on God and her faith. She claimed that she “wanted to go to heaven and live as an assistant to God.”

Yoo Nah’s parents rushed to her bedside and spent a few days agonizing over the choices of waiting for a miracle to bring their daughter back, or to let her go. Her mother decided to let her go, and the family donated her organs and other necessary parts to 27 individuals around the world.

Angels exist Yoo Nah
Angels exist – Yoo Nah

Yoo Nah is an angel, still alive in at least 27 bodies. Her mother is an angel for making the greatest of sacrifices, to lose a child for the sake of saving 27 others. Their story is uplifting and they should be recognized for their incredible generosity. Who knows what those 27 people will do with their lives?

You are right. This does not serve as scientific proof. But let’s examine this closer:
The word Angel is rooted in the bifurcated Angelus or ángelos.
“Angelus refers to a supernatural being, but ángelos is supposed to denote a human messenger”
“Angels are often depicted as benevolent celestial beings who act as intermediaries between God or Heaven and Earth, or as guardian spirits or a guiding influence.”
“Other roles of angels include protecting and guiding human beings, and carrying out God’s tasks.”
“They are an extension of God to produce effects in this world. After an angel has completed its task, it ceases to exist.”

The word Angel is rooted in the bifurcated Angelus or ángelos. “Angelus refers to a supernatural being, but ángelos is supposed to denote a human messenger” Please Click To Tweet

Yoo Nah and her mom are human messengers. They bring a message of life, hope, faith and love. That even in a death, one can continue to make an immeasurable positive difference. They are carrying out God’s tasks and an enormous guiding influence as their story gets repeated. Yoo Nah and her mom are Angels and enough proof that Angels exist.

The story of Yoo Nah and her mom is sad (See the letter her mom wrote below and be prepared to cry). But this is also a beautiful story about the wonderful world where angels exist and the good they do. This story has been under-reported and I want to see it receive more coverage.

What is the more important story? Why is it that the media jumps over each other to cover the story of evil indiscriminate killing and ignore the beautiful stories such as the one about this family? I wish we can send the message “we want to hear more about these angels”. We could do more to make sure that their generosity receives the due attention it should. Everyone should hear this story and their message. Donating organs is a lasting legacy which saves lives and changes the future. The people that donate their organs are proof that real angels exist.

Donating organs is a lasting legacy which saves lives and changes the future. The people that donate their organs are proof that real angels exist. Please Click To Tweet

Help me make the story of Yoo Nah Kim and her mother, these amazing angels, be told and amplified.

Letter written by Yoo Nah Kim’s mother…

I can’t hold back my tears and sadness after seeing you after I landed. I wish it was me laying there instead of you.

Watching your American high school principal, teachers, friends, and church friends crying over you, I can see that you have adjusted well in the US.

Your dad told me he texted you the day before the accident and notified me that you had two tests the next day. I didn’t contact you for that reason but I guess you weren’t able to take the test that this unfortunate situation occurred. I guess you were really busy since you even tried to rush 5 more minutes early which caused the accident.

Yoo Nah, my darling, I’m really afraid with the decision of letting you go freely or wait for a miracle since you are currently brain dead and depending on machines to breathe.

But I have been thinking about something often recently. I don’t know if it was because this was bound to happen or not, but it felt like I had to let go of my kid first.

And I came across a news article of this 15-year-old catholic girl who was sustaining her life barely on machines. Her father, who is barely living day to day due to his financial situation, decided to save many lives by deciding to donate her organs.

After coming across it, I chose to decide. But I couldn’t dare to speak it out and thought that waiting for you to wake up might only fulfill the greed of me and your father.

When your father and all of the family members decided to let you go, your father quietly came and spoke something to me.

‘My wife, I know it is a such tough decision but I didn’t even have to ask myself again to let her go freely.’ I answered him that I thought the same way but couldn’t speak it out. Then, we decided to make the decision to let you go.

Your mom and dad decided well right?

We believe that you are fulfilling the God’s way in order to reach the Heaven. You loved attending church ceremonies and now you will also be living by many others which you have saved with your organs. I believe that you will always be near us that way.

We don’t regret signing the forms for donation after getting through all of the processes. There will always be regret in any decision we make.

Your heart that is beating in your body can now live in another individual’s body. I’m really happy just to think that you will always be somewhere breathing and have not left us.

Yoo Nah!! It was a short life but you were happy right?

Since you have such a bright personality, we have heard so much compliments about you from others. They said our daughter is not only pretty but kind.

I know that we didn’t let you date anyone but we heard that you met someone nice in the US but decided to break up after not wanting to sadden us. I’m really sorry about that.

I actually felt it when I was speaking through the phone but decided not to say anything. That guy friend of your was watching you sadly lying on bed and I decided to apologize to him about that.

Yoo Nah. Now it is finally time to let you freely go to Heaven. I hope you find your ways well and tell your grandma of stories you havent had the chance to tell her in Heaven. I hope you have a great life up there and really hope you meet angel Gabriel.

You lived a great life. Thank you so much for growing up like you did.

I’m really sorry to let you go this way. I hope your only happy without any pain in heaven. Always remember us and your younger sibling.

Also don’t forget all of your church friends, Korean friends, American friends, school principal and teachers and all of the people who cared for you. I will always pray for you. I love you.

Yoo Nah, I love you so much.

Here are links to stories written so far:

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